The Affiliate Membership may be granted to any firm, individual, or company that is actively involved with the Association. Payment of dues for the Affiliated Membership shall entitle them to representative membership for their firm within the Association.

The membership dues are $726.00 annually (effective 1/1/2025). Unlike many associations, the membership is not per person, but rather on a per company basis.

To become a CEAC Affiliate Member, please forward the Affiliate Membership Form 2025 and check for $726.00 (effective 1/1/2025) to:

c/- George Johnson
CEAC Treasurer
11068 Shiloh Ct
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737-7810

As an affiliate member, all employees of the member-firm receive the “member” pricing at our three (3) conferences:

CEAC Spring Conference (Joint with League of California Cities)-
Held in conjunction with the League of California Cities’ Public Works Officers Institute (alternates between Northern and Southern California)

CEAC Policy Conference
Held annually in Sacramento August/September

CEAC Fall Conference/Annual Meeting (Joint with CSAC)-
Held late Fall/early Winter in conjunction with the California State Association of Counties (alternates between Northern and Southern California)

In addition to the conferences, regional meetings are held around the state, and subject-specific events are held as needed. As an affiliate member, you are exposed to numerous public works officials and their staff, and will receive frequent updates on pressing public works/infrastructure issues.

We also offer sponsorships at our conferences as noted below. Additional sponsorship opportunities may be added during the year.

CEAC Spring Conference-

  • Platinum Sponsorship (Incl. written sponsor recognition before, during, and after the conference with logo, verbal sponsor recognition during conference, sponsor recognition in the CEAC newsletter immediately following the sponsored conference, advanced copy of registration list, and priority advanced hotel reservations – up to 5 rooms) – $1,500.00
  • Gold Sponsorship (Incl. written sponsor recognition before, during, and after the conference with logo, verbal sponsor recognition during conference, sponsor recognition in the CEAC newsletter immediately following the sponsored conference) – $1,200.00
  • Lanyard Sponsorship – $3500.00 (plus set-up)

CEAC Policy Conference (Held in Sacramento. CEAC only)-

  • Conference Sponsorship ((Incl. written sponsor recognition before, during, and after the conference with logo, verbal sponsor recognition during conference, sponsor recognition in the CEAC newsletter immediately following the sponsored conference, advanced copy of registration list, and priority advanced hotel reservations – up to 5 rooms – & sponsorship of a County Engineers’ night) – $1000.00
  • Lanyard Sponsorship – $3500.00 (plus set-up)

CEAC Fall Conference/Annual Meeting (Joint with CSAC)-

  • Platinum Sponsorship (Incl. written sponsor recognition before, during, and after the conference with logo, verbal sponsor recognition during conference, sponsor recognition in the CEAC newsletter immediately following the sponsored conference, advanced copy of registration list, and priority advanced hotel reservations – up to 5 rooms) – $1,500.00
  • Gold Sponsorship (Incl. written sponsor recognition before, during, and after the conference with logo, verbal sponsor recognition during conference, sponsor recognition in the CEAC newsletter immediately following the sponsored conference) – $1,200.00

Annual Platinum sponsorship for 2025

  • Affiliate dues – $726
  • Spring (NACE) Conference – $1500
  • Policy Conference – $1000
  • Annual Meeting – $1500
  • TOTAL – $4,726

Annual Platinum sponsorships include all items noted above, AND logo signage on the CEAC website for the year of sponsorship.
Affiliate Members-

2020 L Street, Suite 400
Sacramento, CA 95811
Ph. (916) 769-6334
Primary Email: howard.michael@aecom.com

Howard Michael
Clara Ponce
Jennifer Hames

Alameda County Zone 7 Water Agency
100 N Canyons Pkwy
Livermore, CA 94551-9486
Ph. (925) 454-5075
Primary Email: jtang@zone7water.com
Jeff Tang
Carol Mahoney
Elke Rank
Access Limited (GSI)
10225 Westmoor Drive, Suite 205
Westminster, CO 80021 USA
Ph. (530) 847-8117
Primary Email: daniel.vieira@gsi.us
Daniel Vieira
Paige Barnett
Ardurra Group, Inc.
3737 Birch Street, Suite 250
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Ph. (916) 314-0413
Primary Email: bwaldrop@ardurra.com
Bradley Waldrop
Lisa Penna
Dino D’Emilia
Bennett Engineering Services + Y&C Transportation Consultants
1082 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 100
Roseville, CA 95661
Ph. (916) 783-4100
Primary Email: kcates@ben-en.com
Karman Cates
Leo Rubio
BSK Associates
399 Lindbergh Avenue
Livermore, CA  94551
Ph. (559) 497-2880
Primary Email: trodriguez@bskassociates.com
Tim Rodriguez
Richard Johnson
OnMan Lau
Tony Martin

2868 Prospect Park, Ste 250
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Ph. (916) 368-9181
Primary Email:Jason.Jurrens@consoreng.com

Jason Jurrens
Desiree Acol
Kristine Brasseaux
Carolyn Davis
Robert Ferguson
Elizabeth Fletcher
Mike Hagerty
Michele Johnson
Robert Lemon
Scott McCauley
John Quincy
Chris Rayasam
Mark Reno
Tyese Solmes
Sherry Sweitzer
Matt Vaggione
Greg Young
Crawford & Associates, Inc.
4701 Freeport Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95822
Ph. (916) 705-4903
Primary Email: eric.nichols@crawford-inc.com
Eric Nichols
Ben Crawford
Shawn Leyva
Reynicole Gilbert
John Wright
CSG Consultants
550 Pilgrim Drive
Foster City, 94404
Ph. (650) 522-2504
Primary Email: jackn@csgengr.com
Hatem Ahmed
Merrill Buck
Cyrus Kianpour
Jack Nixon
Jim Porter

11060 White Rock Road, Suite 200
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Ph. (916) 363-4210
Primary Email: dhaglan@dewberry.com
Dennis Haglan
Matt Burgard
Jeff Bray
John Hoole
Miguel Ramirez
Mike Pugh
Kevin Ross
Matt Schmitz
Rob Shackelford
Jose Silva
Howard Zabell
Dokken Engineering
110 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 200
Folsom, CA 95630
Ph. (916) 858-0642
Primary Email: sholm@dokkenengineering.com
Sarah Holm
Matt Griggs
John Klemunes
Zach Liptak
Juann Ramos
Mark Tarrall
Alicia Ware
2200 21st Street
Sacramento, CA 95818
Ph. (916) 782-8688
Primary Email: nabaz.saieed@ghd.com
Nabaz Saieed
Bill Silva
Lindsey Van Parys
Ghirardelli Associates
2055 Gateway Place, Suite 470
San Jose, CA 95110
Ph. (510) 708-7442
Primary Email: raewyn@ghirardelliassoc.com
Raewyn Butcher
Natasha DeBenon
William Butcher
Todd Day
Kate Devine
Alice E. Ghirardelli
Charlie Krueger
Cesar Lara
Darcy Taylor
555 Capitol Mall, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95814
Ph. (916) 859-3657
Primary Email: Sherina.Lam@kimley-horn.com
Sherina Lam
Robert Blume
John Pulliam
MGE Engineering, Inc.
7415 Greenhaven Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95831
Ph. (916) 421-1000
Primary Email: Mmcilroy@mgeeng.com
Martin McIlroy
Darrel Huckabay
Stephen Hawkins
Fred Huang
Robert Sennett
Wesley Sennett
Joe Siemers
Brad Reichel
Shafi Sharifan
MNS Engineers, Inc.
201 N. Calle Cesar Chavez, Suite 300
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
Ph. (805) 692-6921
Primary Email: bstadolnik@mnsengineers.com
Becky Stadolnik
Greg Chelini
Martha Dadala
Jeff Edwards
Cheryl Mothes
Robert Newman
Michael Baker International
5 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 500
Santa Ana, CA 92707
Ph. (949) 472-3505 x5796
Primary Email: diane@mbakerintl.com
Trudi Lim
Diane O’Dell
Steven Yoshizumi
Les Hopper
Todd McIntyre
Chris Alberts
Tim Thiele
200 Spectrum Center Dr Ste 300
Irvine, CA 92618-5004
Ph. 800.577.0109
Primary Email: jdiebold@monumentrow.com
Jackie Diebold
Amber Costello
Joey Mendoza
Bob Morrison
BJ Swanner
8795 Folsom Blvd, Suite 250
Sacramento, CA 95826
Ph. (916) 388-5655
Primary Email: RBellinger@ncenet.com
Rylie Bellinger
Margot Yapp
Mike Leacox
Gregory Fasiano
Franz Haidinger
Ryan Shafer
Charlene Palmer
James Signore
Jason Drew
Scott DeLeon
133 Technology Drive, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92618
Ph. (949) 419-3030
Primary Email: jeff.cooper@nv5.com
Jeff Cooper
Kendra Duncan
Todd George
Brad Riel
Pavement Recycling Systems
10240 Sevaine Way
Mira Loma, CA 91752
Ph. (951) 205-6000
Primary Email: marcoestrada@pavementrecycling.com
Marco Estrada
James Emerson
PPG Traffic Solutions
2559 Land Park Drive
Sacramento, CA 95818
Ph. (336) 477-8322
Primary Email: t.becker@ppg.com
Tony Becker
Lino Ramirez
1075 Creekside Ridge Drive, Suite 200
Roseville, CA 95678
Ph. (916) 788-8122
Primary Email: tim.hayes@psomas.com
Tim Hayes
Douglas Fredericks
Frank Martin III
Brian Bullock
Scott Bryant
Reuben Tolentino
Monika Bowden
Amy Day
Dan Forgey
Transtech Engineers, Inc.
13367 Benson Avenue
Chino, CA 91710
Ph. (909) 595-8599
Primary Email: melissa.demirci@transtech.org
Melissa Demirci
Ahmad Ansari
Jocelyn Avila
Melissa Demirci
John Oskoui
10680 White Rock Road, Suite 100
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Ph. (916) 366-0632
Primary Email: lthut@trccompanies.com
Lisa Thut
Mark Imbriani
Aarol Bedal
Mark Christensen
Justina Conklin
Sam Hamoud
Lincoln Leaman
Terry Maechler
Unico Engineering, Inc.
110 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 101
Folsom, CA 95630
Ph. (916) 900-6623
Primary Email: lisa@unicoengineering.com
Lisa Pereira McClintock
Rob Markes
Cesar Montes de Oca
Wallace Group
612 Clarion Court
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Ph. (805) 544-4011
Primary Email: jorgea@wallacegroup.us
Jorge Aguilar
Brad Brechwald
Sarah Huffman
Kari Wagner
Western Emulsions, Inc.
382 Live Oak Avenue
Irwindale, CA 91706
Ph. (805) 886-0900
Primary Email:Kevin.donnelly@westernemulsions.com
Kevin Donnelly
Matthew Conarroe
Ahmad Ibrahim
Joel Pilson
Willdan Engineering
2401 E. Katella Avenue, #300
Anaheim, CA 92806
Ph. (714) 357-7043
Primary Email: dwilson@willdan.com
Doug Wilson
Adel Freij
Jonathon Mitchell
Lauren Petersen
Wood Rodgers, Inc
3301 C Street, Bldg 100B
Sacramento, CA 95816
Ph. (916) 341-7760
Primary Email: chodge@woodrodgers.com
Chris Hodge
Jason Lemons
Dave Melis
James Pangburn
Glen Parker
Stacey Randall