Who Should Attend?
- Public Works Directors, Assistant Directors, Deputy Directors, County Surveyors, Public Works Staff, Planning Directors
- CEAC Affiliates
- Caltrans, FHWA and DWR Staff
- CEAC Retired Members
Features and Benefits of the Program:
Each year this event brings together County and City Public Works officials, other senior level staff, and private sector consultants to network, discuss challenges facing many California counties, and to receive valuable information from relevant experts.
Conference Schedule and Registration:
** Registration is now closed and the conference is SOLD OUT. On-site registrations are not available **
CEAC Policy Committee and Board of Directors Meeting Agendas:
Hotel and Travel Information:
Sheraton Universal Hotel
333 Universal Hollywood Drive
Universal City, CA 91608
(818) 980-1212
REGISTER for the conference prior to booking a hotel room. Do not make a hotel reservation unless you are sure it is needed. Your county/company will be financially responsible for all cancellation/attrition fees. If you are making hotel reservations for others, please confirm with each individual, in advance, that they actually need hotel accommodations and intend to use them on the dates you are reserving.
- CEAC room block
- Room rates are $249 per night ++
- Guests can register online or by calling Marriott reservations at (888) 627-7189 or (800) 325-3535.
- Room cut-off date is Tuesday, February 25, 2025
- Check-in is 4:00pm, check-out is 11:00 am
- Please refer to group code CEAC when booking
Parking and Transportation
The Sheraton Universal Hotel is centrally located to Burbank, downtown Los Angeles and Hollywood with easy access to airports and freeways. Plus, the entrance to Universal Studios Hollywood is within walking distance.
Daily Parking: Self-Parking $16.00*, Valet parking $24.00* (subject to availability)
Overnight Parking: Self-Parking $32.00*, Valet Parking $50.00*
* Plus 10% state and local taxes
In addition to on-site parking, several privately owned parking garages are also within walking distance of the hotel (parking rates vary by location and are subject to change without notice).
Nearby airports include:
Hollywood Burbank Airport/Bob Hope Airport: 6 miles
Los Angeles International Airport: 27 miles
John Wayne Airport/Orange County: 52 miles
Opportunity to Exhibit:
For questions about exhibiting, please contact Amy Wade at Cal Cities at awade@calcities.org
CEAC/Cal Cities Golf Tournament:
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Wilson Golf Course in Griffith Park
First Tee Time: 10am
Cost: $110 per player
Tournament Format: Scramble
Click Here for the tournament registration flyer.
Contact Martin McILROY at mmcilroy@mgeeng.com or (916) 717-9908.
CEAC Sponsorship Opportunities:
- CEAC Platinum Sponsorship – $1,500.00
(Includes advanced copy of conference registration list, logo signage and recognition during all CEAC policy committee meetings and administrative committee meeting, logo recognition in the CEAC newsletter) - CEAC Gold Sponsorship – $1,200.00
(Includes logo signage and recognition during all CEAC policy committee meetings and administrative committee meeting, logo recognition in the CEAC newsletter) - Lanyard Sponsorship – $3,500 plus set-up.
- CEAC 2025 Affiliate Membership and Sponsorships
- Other sponsorship opportunities may also be available.
Future Events
2026 CEAC Spring Conference
(in conjunction with League of California Cities Public Works Officers Institute/PWOI)
February 25-27, 2026.
Hyatt Regency Monterey
1 Old Golf Course Road
Monterey, CA 93940
Contact Merrin Gerety at mgerety@counties.org