County Engineers Association of California (CEAC) Memorial Scholarship Program

The County Engineers Association of California will grant TWO (2) $3,000 cash scholarships to qualified engineering or land surveying students for study leading to a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering or land surveying. Each student must be enrolled in upper division course work leading to a civil engineering or land surveying Degree, with a high grade point average, have demonstrated a need for the scholarship, and have participated in related outside activities such as a Student Chapter ASCE, Student Member CLSA or American Public Works Association. These various factors, including outside activities, will be considered in awarding the scholarship.

2025 CEAC Memorial Fund and Scholarship Committee:

Chair Alicia Winokur Mendocino County
Vice Chair Steve Hennessee Los Angeles County
Vice Chair Kristi Rhea San Joaquin County

Applications are due June 27, 2025

In addition, in order to be eligible for the above scholarship, an applicant must complete an application form and write a professional and educational goals letter. This letter will have considerable weight in grading the merits of the applicant, as well as the student’s grade point average and the need of the applicant.

You may submit your applications electronically or in hard copy.

Electronic applications: must be emailed no later than June 27, 2025 to: Alicia Winokur at Please include “CEAC Scholarship Application 2025” in the email subject line.

Hard copy applications: must be postmarked and submitted no later than June 27, 2025 to:
Alicia Winokur, Chair
CEAC Memorial Fund and Scholarship Committee
Mendocino County
Public Works Department
340 Lake Mendocino Drive
Ukiah, CA 95482


Phone: (707) 234-2804

Previous Scholarship Recipients:


  1. Geraldine Lynch (Rohnert Park, CA),  California State University, Chico
  2. Alex Zasso, (Antelope, CA),  University of Maine, and California State University, Sacramento
  3. Matthew Muir (Shasta, CA), California State University, Chico


  1. Julianna Enriquez (San Francisco State University)
  2. Ava Pangborn (Loyola Marymount)
  3. Nesslin Dineros (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo)


  1. Jacqueline A. Gomez (Cal Poly Pomona)
  2. Mariam Youssef (Cal Poly Pomona)
  3. Luke Stewart (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo)

2019, 2020 and 2021

No scholarships issued in 2019, 2020 or 2021


  1. Steven Alvarez (Cal Poly Pomona)
  2. Katherine Worcester (CSU Chico)


  1. Matthew Weaver (CSU Fresno)
  2. Brandon Elder (Cal Poly Pomona)
  3. Alexander Chen (University of California, Berkeley)


  1. Margarita Kovalchuk (California State University Sacramento)
  2. Brandon Elder (Cal Poly Pomona)
  3. Crystal Faqih (Cal Poly Pomona)


  1. Bridget Garlinghouse (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo)
  2. Alyssa Herperger (University California Berkeley)
  3. Crystal Faqih (Cal Poly Pomona)


Engineering Scholarships:

  1. Kiana M. Negoro (California State University Fresno)
  2. Elizabeth Jachens (California State University Chico)

Surveyor Scholarship:

  1. Marco Castaneda (California State University Fresno)